Marketing? No !! 

Training? Yes !!!

How are you Training without Marketing?

Marketing is the display of value to ‘intrigue’ a prospect. Training is intriguing the audience to embed knowledge and trigger response. In both the cases, an event is designed to trigger a mental process.

Training has to take a lot from Marketing. Potentially, Training and Marketing together promise a huge return on performance outcomes. In training, the maximum talk is done by the content. Technology brings action into the talk through engagements. Training experts need to learn and leverage from Marketing. History of Marketing, especially Content Marketing has a lot to give us.

Content Marketing-preage

Content Marketing has been the binder for the marketer since ages. Content Marketing began its journey ages before on cave walls. As the focus started building on tactical tools and technologies, birth of idea-based marketing took place.

The Sun

Beginning the August 25, 1835, The Sun,  a New York newspaper, considered the most politically conservative, published a series of articles describing a scientific discovery of life on the moon. Top of that it the discoveries were falsely attributed to Sir John Herschel, perhaps the best-known astronomer of his time.

Michelin Guide

In 1900, André Michelin published the first edition of the guide to help drivers maintain their cars, find decent lodging, and eat well while touring France. It included addresses of filling stations, mechanics, and tire dealers, along with local prices for fuel, tires, and auto repairs. Until 1920, when Michelin brothers found a pile of them under a garage workbench, they rolled a new idea of marketing. They started charging for the guides to maintain credibility. In 1926, they also started listing restaurants with star ratings.


The conventional marketing wisdom of the early 1960s was that boys would not play with dolls. Toy company Hasbro, went for the term “Action figure” eliminating the term “doll” to market the famous G.I.Joe.  In 1982, Hasbro relaunched G.I.Joe with a storyline to include a terrorist group ‘Cobra Command’, pioneering several tactics in toy marketing, combining traditional advertising with an animated television mini-series and an ongoing comic book.


The Whole Internet User’s Guide & Catalog, by Ed Krol, was published in September 1992 by O’Reilly. The Global Network Navigator (GNN) was the first commercial web publication and the first web site to offer clickable advertisements, now commonly referred to as “banner ads.” Its still hosted at



Whitepaper, formerly a  government informal name for a parliamentary paper, was accepted widely in early 90’s for commercial and business information circulation. In 1991 Adobe Systems co-founder John Warnock outlined a system called “Camelot” that evolved into the Portable Document Format (PDF), which later became free.


In 1996, PlaceWare—a spin-off from Xerox’s PARC Laboratory—started offering Web-conferencing services. In 2003, it was acquired by Microsoft and the today we see the services as Microsoft Live Meeting.


Launched in July 1996 as “HoTMaiL“, it became the first web-based email service. Later, Yahoo and Google launched free email platforms. By early 2000, email was one of the main forms of marketing outreach for corporations worldwide.

Purple Cow

In 1995, Seth Godin launched Yoyodyne which used contests, online games, and scavenger hunts to market companies to participating users. In August, 1996, venture-capital firm Flatiron Partners invested $4 million in Yoyodyne in return for a 20% stake. The site gained significant traction, with over one million viewers visiting the site, and companies like America Online, American Express, H&R Block, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Sony Music, Sprint, and Volvo using its services.

At Yoyodyne, Godin developed the principle of permission marketing and authored Permission Marketing: Turning strangers into friends and friends into customers. I

In July of 2000, author and blogger Seth Godin created the e-book Unleashing the Ideavirus and made it available for free.
Nexters no longer require describing.








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So eLearning Makers, what have you learnt!!!